The Linéa Nutrition Blog
Raw Food Prep Class with Kate Magic
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I had the absolute pleasure to host another raw food prep class with Miss Magic. And Gosh is she Magic. What she does not know about raw food is hardly worth knowing. She has been eating in this super healthy way for almost 20 years and she has brought up 3 beautiful boys this way too (oldest is 16).
It was a small group this time but quality before quantity. It was a great group and we had a lot of fun and got inspired by each other. We were making food as well as talking about the nutrition around it. I get too excited in classes so I tend to forget to take photos. Again I didn't take photos of all the yummy food we made. You just have to imagine it.
Miss Magic's food is not just delicious it is also super truper healthy. She uses lots of super foods, algaes, medicinal mushrooms, herbs and much much more in every single recipe she does. Raw food sounds healthy but its not always healthy at all. It is quite easy to live on "junk food" here too. For example too much nuts or too much fruits can cause a lot of problems in your body. Nuts contain a lot of omega 6 and if you have a lot of nuts and possibly no omega 3, which is not uncommon for raw foodies, it can cause a lot of problems that can lead to disease. Omega 6 and 3 need to be in a certain ratio and if it is not there will be inflammation and all sorts of problems in your body. Fruits are full of sugar and in cold countries like the UK too much fruit sugar can cause problems.
We made a delicious lasagne, yummy dips and sauces, chocolates, tried various superfoods, had some hands on food prep experience, as well as having the pleasure spending the whole day with miss Magic and the rest in the group. The cake at the end was magic out of this world. Talk about having your cake and eating it. The ingredient list in this cake had more nutrients than most people have in a whole week. Not strange she looks soooooooooooooooooo healthy and super fit.
I cant recommend this food prep class enough. Next one in London will be in September. Hurry up and book yourself in. Click for more information on Kate's prep classes.
Absolutely great day, amazing food and enlightening company.