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There is a very interesting article in the latest (October 2013) 'What Doctor's Don't tell you' about brave Dr Jayne Donegan, a GP that was all for vaccination (like most other doctors) in her early career but changed her mind when she started to do her own research into vaccines. Her career was almost ruined when she discovered that doctors are being misled by the government about their safety and effectiveness.

Deliberately Misled

Dr Jayne Donegan believes that her profession is being deliberately misled by the UK's department of health (DoH) which, in its 'Green Book' on vaccinations issued to all doctors, is deliberately massaging the data to make vaccines seem more effective and safe than they actually are. She was for this reason charged by her own governing body, the General Medical Council (GMC), of serious professional misconduct of bringing the profession into disrepute. The hearing was the result of the GMC charging her directly although, in the vast majority of cases it only acts when the public has filed  complaint. Remarkably, the GMC panel found her not guilty and agreeing in their findings that she had been objective, independent and unbiased in her research conclusions. Which kind of suggest that they are agreeing with what she is saying.

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