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Natural Fertility is all about enhancing your fertility in a naturopathic or natural way. When I see clients in my practice I look at diet, natural hormone balancing, fertility enhancing exercise, stress reduction, detoxification and cleansing, how to avoid harmful toxins and chemicals and more.

Eating for fertility

An important part of natural fertility is to maximize nutrient intake to make you more fertile, decrease the risk of miscarriage, and to give your baby the best start possible. Never is there a better time to eat well than when you are trying for a baby.  It is well researched and documented that the better nutrition both parents have before conception, and the mother during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the healthier your baby will be when its born, and all through its development into adulthood.

3 months to prepare

It takes about 3 months for a man to produce a new batch of sperm and also 3 months for a woman’s egg to mature, ready for ovulation. What you eat today will affect the quality of eggs and the sperm 3 months from now. Therefore it is a good idea to prepare at least 3 months before trying for a baby. This is also the time to look at other naturopathic ways, like the ones mentioned above, to increase fertility.

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1. Zink - is Absolutely vital for reproductive health. It affects every part of the female cycle. From the desire for sex and adequate levels of hormones that stimulate the egg to grow to preventing early pregnancy losses. Zink is also vital for men as it improves the quality of the sperm. Zink can be found in good quality meat, fish, oysters, eggs, nuts, ginger root, pumpkin seeds and green leafy vegetables.

2. B6 - Works together in synergy with zinc. You will find B6 in bananas, broccoli and watercress.

3. Good fats - Or your omega 3 (oily fish, flax and chia seeds) and omega 6 (raw and unsalted nuts and seeds)  are needed for the sex hormones to function correctly. A deficiency here is likely to affect your menstrual cycle and therefore your fertility.

4. Antioxidants - To keep your body young and healthy. They are especially good for older women trying to conceive and for women living in cities because of the pollution. Examples of antioxidants are your vitamin A, C and E, Selenium and zinc. Make sure you have a diet high in colorful raw fruit and vegetables for you anitoxidants.

5. Folic Acid - Is important because it lowers a naturally existing protein called homocysteine in your blood. If your homocysteine is too high it can increase the risk of miscarriages and also your baby’s health is in danger as it contributes to defects such as spina bifida. Folic Acid is also involved very much in fertility. Folic Acid is found in all green leafy vegetables. Some midwifes suggest you take folic acid as a supplement 3 months before you conceive.

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