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Posted by on in Raw Food Workshops


I had the absolute pleasure to host another raw food prep class with Miss Magic. And Gosh is she Magic. What she does not know about raw food is hardly worth knowing. She has been eating in this super healthy way for almost 20 years and she has brought up 3 beautiful boys this way too (oldest is 16).

It was a small group this time but quality before quantity. It was a great group and we had a lot of fun and got inspired by each other. We were making food as well as talking about the nutrition around it. I get too excited in classes so I tend to forget to take photos. Again I didn't take photos of all the yummy food we made. You just have to imagine it.

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Posted by on in Yoga Retreats


Our First Restore Retreat in November 2012 was a great success. I was the raw food chef together with Bruna Oliveira and we created high vibrational super healthy food free from meat, dairy, wheat, gluten, sugar and alcohol. Cuisine full of vegetables, fruit, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, phyto-nutrients and lots and lots of love. We served Raw food for breakfast and lunch whilst dinner was a cooked vegan meal. If you eat raw food for breakfast and lunch whilst keeping dinner cooked you eat a high raw diet. This means that you eat 80% of your food raw. This is a great way of eating for health, lots of energy and prevention of disease.

This first retreat was all about hormonal health. Especially about peri-menopausal transition and beyond. 12 women from the age of 40 came together and celebrated in awe. We were 6 therapists working on the retreat so plenty of love and care for every participant. We had such a beautiful time and everybody left feeling a few pounds lighter, inspired and motivated to continue leading a super healthy life.

The ladies started the day with a Detox Tea followed by a green Juice and there after yoga for an hour and half. Breakfast was served buffet style with 2 different kinds of granola, almond milk, chia pudding, various raw crackers and fruit salad.

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